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Reader Mail with The Dude

Alright, so I opened the floodgates. I asked people for questions, and man have they delivered. I figure it is time to answer a few questions I received via email. And if you have a question for The Man Blog or The Dude you can send it to

Dude, how awesome are you?
Pretty freaking awesome. On a scale of 1 to 1,124,304 I'm... I'm.... somewhere in between those numbers *scratches head in confusion*. No matter how hard I try though, I'll never be as awesome as THIS GUY. His offspring will be pretty awesome too, you can find him HERE.

Dude, what made you create "The Man Blog"?
Well one day I was taking a shower, out of my anus comes this noise that sounded kind of like the T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park. It was so loud and forceful that it actually broke my bathroom mirror and cracked every pipe in our plumbing system. After cursing myself for the destruction, I laughed... and then did it again. So farting in the shower, it seems, would be something only a man would find humorous. So it became my goal to find other things that you would only catch a man doing, or just things that men would think are funny.

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Do you think you offend female readers?
Of course! But the ones with a good sense of humor keep coming back for more. My bleeder readers are a little sadistic.

Why do you call females bleeders?
Did you fail 6th grade?

What would you do if you were hit on by a gay man?
I would do the same thing that I would do if a bleeder would hit on me (minus the crazy sex at the Best Western), I would allow them to buy me drinks all night, and then leave with their sister.

What is your drink of choice?
Straight gasoline... But with gas prices the way they are now, I prefer a scotch, or whiskey on the rocks. I also like to indulge in a good martini. I recommend that all you buy me a drink by hitting the "Buy The Dude a drink" button located to your right.

Are you married?
I'm not married. I do have a live-in girlfriend that hates me though! Well hate is a strong word... How about despises me with intent to injure? Alright, so she doesn't hate me (I might be telling the truth about the intent to injure part though).
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Where do you find your conent?
90% of it comes straight from the mind of The Dude, another 5% off the internet, and the other 5% just showed up one day and won't leave. Make it leave!

What super power would you give yourself and why?
Well, The Dude already has super powers. My tears cure cancer, not unlike Chuck Norris's, it's just to bad that The Dude doesn't cry. I have also been recruited by this one gang because of my skills with the bo staff. Sometimes I punch babies too. This has no bearing on the question, nor does it provide you with an answer... but it does show how hardcore I am.
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That's it for now, keep the questions coming. I'll answer all of them that don't suck. And if I didn't answer your question... Try harder next time!

Oh, and all of you that haven't. You should link to the Man Blog on your site or blog! Help spread the man-love (uhh?) yeah.

--The Dude--

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1 komentet:

someGirl tha...

Aahhhh! Chuck Norris! Chuck is a source of never ending laughter for me. My brother and I were playing a boxing video game (yes, I'm a gamer & enjoy crude humor, how perfect am I?) and he made the boxer look like Chuck Norris!! It was fantastic. We took turns beating him up....good times.

Sweet Jeebus of all that is Un-Pure! That stuff was funny (now you found another person in world that says it!!)